Release History.
Complete Release history prior to, and including hosting in GitHub.
For detailed overviews of introduced features see the CDAF Blog.
2.8.1 : 25-Jan-2025 : Minor Release and Deploy Fixes
- Fix getProperty split on first equal (=) character only
- Fix containerDeploy to resolve fileName variable (Linux)
- Fix self-extracting release not including error array and exit code reset (Windows)
- Include file command in dockerhub image (Linux)
2.8.0 : 16-Jul-2024 : Tech Debt - Deprecate unsupported docker version labelling
- Remove version argument from dockerBuild (see breaking changes for details)
- Consolidate default Dockerfile processing for containerBuild and imageBuild into dockerBuild
- dockerPush correct context loading for non-dockerhub registries (Linux)
- sort project directories for build process (Linux)
2.7.9 : 11-May-2024 : CDAF_DOCKER_RUN_ARGS for containerBuild engine arguments
- New environment variable CDAF_DOCKER_RUN_ARGS for containerBuild engine arguments
- Capabilities listing for AWS CLI and extensions
- Execute wrap.tsk prior to remote package process for consistent inclusion
- SOLUTIONROOT and CDAF.solution as "global" variables (using export) in CI processing (Linux)
- Apache Tomcat default version 10.x (Linux)
- Remove specialised PM2 deployment script (Linux)
- dotnet core default version 8 (Windows)
- dockerBuild Cleanup default dockerfile (Windows)
- dockerPush correction for private registries other than Dockerhub (Windows)
- Only perform clean on orphaned branches
2.7.8 : 03-Mar-2024 : CloudFlare Wrangler v3 in CDAF Docker Images
- As at Mar 30, 2023, only version 2.0.19 works, this has since been addressed in v3 so publishing latest
- Tech Debt - ongoing error handling consistency (Windows)
- Quote wrap null or empty string tests for (Linux)
- Do not use alpha releases of Terraform in docker image (Linux)
- Update default dotnet core to v8 in, and in docker images (Linux)
2.7.7 : 24-Feb-2024 : TASK_NAME alignment
- Align logging, replacing TASKLIST in Linux and TASK_LIST in Windows
- Pass CDAF_BUILD_ENV (overrides BUILDENV) to container build
- Quote wrap docker run arguments, to support arguments containing spaces
- Resolve delivery arguments if they contain variable names
2.7.6 : 17-Feb-2024 : Flexible Build TARGET Determination
- Derive BUILDENV, aligning with cdEmulate, this is passed as TARGET to build execution
- Quote wrap docker run parameters (Windows)
2.7.5 : 31-Jan-2024 : Fix DETOKN failing when used with default target outside of starting workspace
- DETOKN use absolute path for default property file
- GitLab Runner support for non-canon default image
- Property loader support for non-workspace directory
- MSTOOL reset LASTEXITCODE after tool tests (Windows)
- Return to workspace when tasks complete (Windows)
- Set TMPDIR to user environment variable, not machine (Windows)
- PROPLD validation and execution outside workspace (Windows)
2.7.4 : 29-Nov-2023 : Bugfix for buildonly CI ACTION
- buildonly action failing to skip package and clean-up process
- MSTOOL Support multiple Visual Studio product install (Windows)
2.7.3 : 03-Nov-2023 : helmfile
- Inclusion of helmfile in CDAF docker images and capabilities listing
- Replace deprecated NodeJS install script in (Linux)
2.7.2 : 09-Oct-2023 : pass RELEASE and OPT_ARG for containerDeploy
- Pass RELEASE and OPT_ARG to Container Deploy, previous only passed TARGET
- Correctly set ENVIRONMENT for Container Deploy
- Do not fail container build on docker start failure unless CDAF_DOCKER_REQUIRED set
- Consistent behavior of EXITIF, aligning to documentation
2.7.1 : 11-Sep-2023 : runtimeFile containerDeploy
- Container Deploy runtimeFiles property supporting space separated list
- Container Deploy runtimeRetain to keep all runtime images, not just most recent
- Docker Push fails for private registry which does not have authentication
- installIIS.ps1 support for desktop (Windows)
- consistent usage of WORKSPACE_ROOT (Linux)
2.7.0 : 27-Aug-2023 : Replace executeRetry with EXERTY
- Deprecate separate executeRetry script, replace with EXERTY function
- Extend capabilities script-friendly output for Chrome
- installAgent (Azure DevOps Agent installer) detect latest version for default
- Improve logging of package process, including warnings for no artefacts found
2.6.8 : 09-Aug-2023 : Capabilities Extension
- Script friendly listing of CDAF version in capabilities
- Export remaining "Global" variables (Linux)
- Consistent setting of "Global" variables in build and delivery processes (Linux)
- buildPackage WORKSPACE load correctly (Windows)
- delivery.ps1 deprecate $env:WORK_SPACE (Windows)
2.6.7 : 31-Jul-2023 : New "global" variable WORKSPACE_ROOT
- dockerPush attempt regardless of token being sent, i.e. may already be logged in
- New "global" variable WORKSPACE_ROOT set by CI and CD entry scripts
- Align DCMPRS with Windows, extracting to directory with the same name as the package (Linux)
- Python 2 install support in Fedora based releases 8 and above using DNF (Linux)
- Deprecate duplicate error handling functions, apply consistent use of ERRMSG (Windows)
- Standardise internal exception and error handling (Windows)
- Consistent handling of WORKSPACE "Global" variable (Windows)
- deploy.bat Do not load arguments as environment variables (Windows)
- installPython support for Red Hat Enterprise Linux (Linux)
- DCMPRS preserve source directory structure (Linux)
2.6.6 : 09-Jul-2023 : Maintenance Release
- Fix containerDeploy property selection process, was returning no values but proceeding (Linux)
- Ensure Deployment targets are sorted (Linux)
- Reveal/Resolve support for empty or null values (Windows)
- installAnsible support for RHEL/Rocky 8 and above (Linux)
2.6.5 : 01-Jul-2023 : SOLUTIONROOT consistent absolute path loading
- Consistent use of GLOBAL variables for all entry points
- Strings with Comma for resolve and reveal PROPLD (Windows)
2.6.4 : 29-Jun-2023 : GitLab Runner and Azure DevOps Agent Alignment
- Azure DevOps Agent support for organisation name containing hyphen (Linux)
- Remove deprecated GitLab Runner option "name" (Linux)
- CM & PV support for values containing comma separated list (Windows)
2.6.3 : 26-Jun-2023 : Paths with Spaces
- Support for paths with spaces
- Make uppercase variables, "Global" variables (replace in (Linux)
- Consistent handling of Environment variables
- Support for custom ciProcess in entry
- Update GitLab runner after tag CLI deprecation
- Remove install packages from /solution of CDAF image
- Windows Container support after DockerMsftProvider deprecation (Windows)
2.6.2 : 13-Jun-2023 : Default Immutable Deployment into imageBuild
- Correct default imageBuild immutable deployment in construction process
- Apply consistent handling of CDAF_DOCKER_REQUIRED
- Log CDAF_CORE in delivery
- Align ci & entry logging to Windows (Linux)
2.6.1 : 07-Jun-2023 : Default Container Image Processes
- Provide a default dockerfile when containerDeploy directory does not exist
- Provide default containerBuild process when containerImage specified
- Provide a default dockerfile when processing containerBuild
- Provide default imageBuild process using new buildImage property
- Provide a default dockerfile when processing imageBuild
- Remove from package root
- Optional post build, pre-packaging process (Linux, aligning with existing Windows functionality)
- CDAF in PATH for docker container (Linux)
- Add JQ to cdaf/linux docker image (Linux)
2.6.0 : 30-May-2023 : Cascading Properties
- Deprecate DOCKER-HUB for Push registry
- CDAF_REGISTRY_ property overrides environment variable for imageBuild
- CDAF_PULL_REGISTRY_ for dockerBuild
- CDAF_PUSH_REGISTRY_ for dockerPush
- Default value for docker registry push to 'latest'
- Introduce CDAF_CORE environment variable for path to helpers
- imageBuild override container image if explicit image passed
- Replace AUTOMATIONHELPER cascading search with explicit CDAF_CORE environment variable
- pushFeatureBranch for imageBuild to push image from non-default branch
- ImageBuild feature branch logic self-contained
- Fix DETOKN with 'reveal' does not work with properties containing whitespace (Linux)
- Remove dependency on Git for default revision in BuildPackage (Windows)
- postBuild process prior to, and independent of, imageBuild (Windows)
- Consistent branch name cleansing, e.g. main (cleansed from refs/heads/main)
2.5.7 : 07-May-2023 : Introduction of packageFeatures
- packageFeatures Support for reduced number of helper scripts to be included in release package
- dockerLog check for exact match, with support for trimming white space
- dockerBuild environment variable CDAF_SKIP_PULL to skip pull attempt of local registry image
- packageMethod support for tarball package (Windows)
2.5.6 : 26-Feb-2023 : VARCHK Build Process Support
- VARCHK support in Build process
- Align containerDeploy ID to other docker helpers
- Ensure all tests are posix compliant (Linux)
- Ensure Docker is available after starting daemon when CDAF_DOCKER_REQUIRED set (Linux)
- Volume mount support for Podman (Linux)
- Support for version as an argument for Azure DevOps (Linux)
- Flexible Red Hat Enterprise Linux version support in, and (Linux)
- Support for self-hosted docker executor for GitLab (Linux)
- Do not fail on workspace clean-up (Linux)
- Only attempt exited container clean-up in containerBuild where exited containers exist (Linux)
- imageBuild support for list of tags for registry push (Linux)
- Ensure REVISION is always set for buildPackage.ps1 (Windows)
- Consistent use of WORKING_DIRECTORY variable, vs. $env:WORK_SPACE environment variable in delivery.ps1 (Windows)
- Correct version test for ant and kubectl in capabilities.ps1 (Windows)
- Support for long build number in dockerClean.ps1 (Windows)
- Discontinue --password-stdin usage in docker login as not supported in Windows Server (Windows)
- Use Write-Warning in execute.ps1 (Windows)
- Check for vstest.console.exe on PATH when setting $env:VS_TEST in msTools.ps1 (Windows)
- Web Deploy v4 support for provisioning and capabilities listing (Windows)
2.5.5 : 09-Nov-2022 : CDAF_ERROR_DIAG Default as Solution Property
- If CDAF_ERROR_DIAG environment variable not set, use CDAF.solution property (if set)
- Add Kubectl, Helm and Helmsman to capabilities listing
- Default for CI entry point set to "revision"
- Ensure current Docker image is available for containerBuild
- Fix global property loader when CDAF.solution does not have a closing EOL (Linux)
- Update default ant version to 1.10.12 in provisioner (Linux)
- Update default dotnet version to 6 (Windows)
- Include Hugo in capabilities (Windows)
- Correct dockerRun argument validation (Windows)
2.5.4 : 30-Oct-2022 : VARVHK default
- VARVHK default properties file properties.varchk
- Extend the CDAF Docker Images as Build Images with Azure DevOps Agent Binaries Pre-installed
- Quote wrap resolution of REVISION in execute engine (Windows)
- Trap missing Dockerfile in containerBuild (Windows)
- Azure DevOps Agent version can be set by argument (Windows)
- Support for deploymentgroup in installAgent.ps1 (Windows)
- Cater for spaces and special characters in resolveContent (Windows)
- Remove ambiguous provisioners, now supported by base.ps1 (Windows)
- Ensure Deployment scripts are executable (Linux)
- Install unzip as default base install (Linux)
- Update default ADO agent version for installAgent.ps1 (Linux)
- Update default tomcat version to latest for installApacheTomcat.ps1 (Linux)
- Disable user interaction for Debian install of PostGreSQL (Linux)
- Change Default user to current user for SetNoPassSUDO (Linux)
- Add IMGTXT wrapper for jp2a (Linux)
- Make Solution Properties available to build process (Linux)
2.5.3 : 19-Jul-2022 : Optional Volume Mount for containerDeploy
- CDAF_HOME_MOUNT environment (and property) to disable volume mount for containerDeploy
- Feature Branch Environment Deploy based on "contains" test
- buildPackage provide a default value when REVISION is not passed (Windows)
- Do not initialise $env:CONTAINER_IMAGE before deploy (Windows)
2.5.2 : 05-Jun-2022 : MASKED using SHA256
- Default masking using SHA256 with new MASKED operation
- Ensure REVISION is always set in buildPackage.ps1 (Windows)
- Do not initialise CONTAINER_IMAGE environment variable in delivery.ps1 (Windows)
- PROPLD "reveal" support for numbers (Windows)
2.5.1 : 02-May-2022 : Resolve Á Reveal
- Resolve and optional reveal in PROPLD and DETOKN
- Resolve and reveal nested variables in ASSIGN
- Standardise propertiesForContainerTasks check to align with Local and Remote (Linux)
- Correct Git workspace detection for entry & buildPackage (Windows)
2.5.0 : 05-Apr-2022 : Multiple TARGET support for containerDeploy ENVIRONMENT
- containerDeploy environment prefix used in the same way as localDeploy and remoteDeploy
- Do not attempt to execute CI process if solution not found
- Remove out-of-date configuration guidance from cdEmulate
- Replace hyphen with underscore in solution name in containerDeploy
- dotNET.ps1 default version 4.8 (Windows)
- Support for Choco downgrade (Windows)
- EnableFileAndPrintSharing.ps1 include File-Services (Windows)
- IISAddApp.ps1 include New-WebApplication (Windows)
- imageBuild include support for DOCKER-HUB as registryURL (Windows)
2.4.6 : 21-Feb-2022 : Variable Validation
- Variable Validation VARCHK Operation
- For Feature Branch Environments, only execute default if defaultEnvironment is defined
- default version raised to 1.10.11 (Linux)
2.4.5 : 01-Feb-2022 : Feature Branch Environment Deploy
- mapping branch name prefix to environment
- Update default tomcat install from 8.5.32 to 9.0.54 (Linux)
- Support for CLEAN operation in build process (Windows)
- Do not force choco upgrade (Windows)
- newDC provisioning correction for temporary directory (Windows)
- IISSSL provisioner correction for existing SSL binding (Windows)
- execution exception unique logging key (Windows)
2.4.4 : 19-Sep-2021 : Pre & Post Build Task Support
- Pre and Post Build task support, primarily for containerBuild pre-processing
- Include standard error when watching docker logs
- Use consistent gitRemoteURL when processing Git branch clean-up (Linux)
- VECOPY create parent directory if it does not exist for file copy (Windows)
- Correct branch clean processor (Windows)
- Correct IMGTXT file processor (Windows)
2.4.3 : 27-Jun-2021 : CDAF Docker Image
- dockerPush as discrete atomic function, separate to that used in imageBuild
- Set $WORKSPACE in execute function
- imageBuild constructor support as solution property
- Replace hardcoded "master" with defaultBranch proprty in BuildPackage
- dotnet 3 & 5 support in installDotNetCode provisioner
- Extend capabilities listing to include docker-compose and terraform
- Add skip_container_build action support for capable agents
- Do not resolve symlinks when establishing AUTOMATIONROOT (Linux)
- Use consistent gitRemoteURL when processing Git branch clean-up (Linux)
- Read first element only when processing name/value properties (Linux)
- Fix : Not processing hidden directory for containerBuild (Linux)
- Fix : Do not attempt to process prefix for imageBuild (Linux)
2.4.2 : 12-Apr-2021 : ERRMSG & MD5MSK Execute Functions
- New MD5MSK execution function for secret masking
- ERRMSG internal and external execution function
- Provide native PowerShell entry-point (Windows)
- Provide CDAF_DELIVERY_FAILURE response on deployment error (Windows)
- Apply file missing trap in REPLAC execution function (Windows)
- Align containerDeploy non-root user with containerBuild (Linux)
2.4.1 : 07-Mar-2021 : Support CM & PV properties with spaces
- Properties with spaces supported, wrapped in either single or double quotes
- Replace imageBuild temp directory with solution name in imageBuild
2.4.0 : 21-Feb-2021 : containerDeploy
- containerDeploy feature to complete the self-host delivery workload Epic
- Set and return to WORK_SPACE during delivery
- Separation of Image Build and Container Build environment variables, using CDAF_IB_ and CDAF_CB_
- Solution specific Container Build environment variables, using CDAF_${solution}_IB_ and CDAF_${solution}_CB_
- Extend dockerRun to perform clean-up (Linux)
- Cannot define artefacts using wildcard, suppress globbing to support the same pattern as Windows (Linux)
- IIS poolPassword not being applied when not MSA, corrected to use the parameter when passed (Windows)
- IIS optional hostHeader added to TLS binding (Windows)
- MD5 masking of passwords in provisioning scripts (Windows)
2.3.1 : 18-Dec-2020 : containerBuild Variables
- Make CDAF environment variables available to containerBuild
- Reset CDAF_AUTOMATION_ROOT at deploy time
- Do not fail build on check-out branch clean-up attempt
- Support user defined default branch and environment
- Support for CDAF_DELIVERY over-ride (Linux, aligning with Windows)
- Remove dot filter from transform (Windows)
- Make CDAF environment variables available to containerBuild
- Check for URL Resolution when attempting branch clean
2.3.0 : 23-Nov-2020 : Git Branch Clean-up
- Remove dockerClean from imageBuild, allow user to decide when to clean
- Apply consistent naming for all CDAF docker images
- Use absolute path for SOLUTIONROOT (consistent with AUTOMATIONROOT)
- Do not expand properties when loading
- Branch based clean-up with default action for docker
- Volume mount user home directory in containerBuild
- Load all CDAF_CB_ prefix environment variables in containerBuild
- Set explicit extension to container build image
- Determine branch from workspace when not passed to entry
- entry point use CDAF_BRANCH_NAME if branch name not passed
- Extend certificate import for PFX file (Windows)
- Provide flexible placement for IIS certificate (Windows)
- Update Docker version to 1.27.4 (Windows)
2.2.0 : 01-Nov-2020 : Container Image Build
- Opinionated Image construction with registry push and "publish"
- Resolve and trim path prefix from revision (branch name)
- CredSSP & InstallDotNetCore support for Windows Server 2019 (Windows)
- Use --no-pager for script safe service logging (Linux)
- Use non-keyboard separator character for REPLAC function (Linux)
- Correct transformDirectory to recursively create directories (Linux)
- Fix copyLand process lock on slow systems (Windows)
- Support for Windows Server 2019 warning messages in delivery and provisioning (Windows)
2.1.4 : 23-Aug-2020 : Maintenance Release
- deploy.ps1 clear error array after logging warning message (Windows)
- processor\entry.ps1 process release.ps1 to align with root version (Windows)
- CredSSP & InstallDotNetCore support for Windows Server 2019 (Windows)
- support for special characters in branch name (Linux)
- correct http proxy detection (Linux)
2.1.3 : 08-Aug-2020 : Azure DevOps Deployment Groups
- Register with Deployment Group for Azure DevOps (installAgent)
- Consistent setting of TLS1.2 (Windows)
- installSQLServer include complete log on error (Windows)
- processor upgrade for server 2019 (Windows)
- removeUser provisioning update for server 2019 (Windows)
- setSPN update for server 2019 (Windows)
- sqlPermit update for server 2019 (Windows)
- msTools explicit nuget fulfillment (Windows)
- Support for defaultIP in addHOSTS provisioning (Linux)
- installNodeJS provide robust APT interaction (Linux)
- Correct filename logging in replaceInFile (Linux)
2.1.2 : 29-Jul-2020 : Self-extracting release in containerBuild
- Self-extracting release package support in containerBuild
- installDocker parameterise docker compose version
- addUserToLocalGroup support for warning messages (Windows)
- setEnv secret masking (Windows)
- Standardise logging (Linux)
- addPath support, aligning with Windows (Linux)
- Daily update lock release in for Debian (Linux)
- Trap false positive when deploy user missing in (Linux)
- wget fallback (Linux)
- remove hyphen from hostname for ADO Agent (Linux)
- lock release logic for Debian (Linux)
- Add IGNORE function to execute engine (Linux)
- extend for delete line support (Linux)
2.1.1 : 04-Jul-2020 : Self-extracting Installer
- Self-extracting CDAF install script
- Include Git in capabilities listing
- FIX: self-extract script detection syntax error (Linux)
- Explicit workspace path use in release creation (Windows)
2.1.0 : 29-Jun-2020 : Self-extracting Release
- Self-extracting release script
- BREAKING CHANGE : align SOLUTIONROOT to absolute path (Linux)
- BREAKING CHANGE : Align remote crypt files with local matching relative path (Linux)
- Replace -n with ! -z when testing variables for Mac OS/X (Linux)
- Internal function renaming of executeExpression to executeRetry (Linux)
- FIX Case insensitive match for artifact recursive copy (Windows)
- Correct warning processing in addComputerDelegation provisioner (Windows)
- Change media default from c:\.provision to $env:TEMP (Windows)
- Replace "smart" characters in applyWindowsUpdates (Windows)
- Provide default protocol to update existing IISWebSite (Windows)
- Warning processor for installRunner (Windows)
- Support for setting directory owner in mkdir (Windows)
- Extend IGNORE function to execute an expression (Windows)
2.0.9 : 07-Jun-2020 : CI Entry Point
- Add CI entry point provided in root of CDAF
- Provide a default value when deployLand is not supplied
- addPath support for User level path (Windows)
- New feature IMGTXT in execute engine for printing images on console (Windows)
- Standard error handling consistent between Server 2016 to 2019 (Windows)
- Improve ELEVAT logging and error handling in execute engine (Windows)
- FIX Variable expansion in transform (PROPLD) feature (Windows)
- installMySQL remove Ubuntu specific bind process (Linux)
- mySQLAddDB improved logging and post provisioning diagnostics (Linux)
2.0.8 : 27-May-2020 : Function Fix (Linux)
- Add REFRSH and REMOVE regression tests
- FIX false negative halting without exit code (Linux)
- FIX MySQL DB create leaking secrets (Linux)
2.0.7 : 23-May-2020 : Github Actions
- Github Actions Support and Samples
- Add HOSTS by FQDN for transient DNS (Windows)
- Cater for warning messages in InstallIIS (Windows)
- Initialise LASTEXITCODE and Error array in NewComputer (Windows)
- Change DC default from to (Windows)
- SetDNS support for FQDN and optional DC verification (Windows)
- SQLSetInstanceBind extended to ensure TCP/IP enabled (Windows)
- WebDeploy from TEMP directory as fails with 1619 if on SMB share (Windows)
- Support for Environment Variable credentials for Remote Tasks (Windows)
- Change default IP (i.e. VirtualBox) to to allow for server scaling (Windows)
- GitHub Actions support (Windows)
2.0.6 : 09-May-2020 : Manifest Variable Loader in Packager (Linux)
- If source is a directory REFRSH will copy the contents
- CentOS no longer returns exit code 100 on check-update (Linux)
- Make manifest contents available as variables when packaging (Linux)
- Trap missing artifacts during package process (Linux)
- Correct automation root determination in new entry script (Linux)
- Log warning messages for Error array when LASTEXITCODE is zero (Windows)
- Use MD5 check is passed in getMedia when media exists (Windows)
- installMSI logfile correction and enable interactive output (Windows)
- Include OS Release, Edition and Build details in capabilities listing (Windows)
2.0.5 : 15-Apr-2020 : Automation Root determination (Windows Only)
- Apply consistent format for automationroot (Windows)
- Ensure CDAF_DOCKER_REQUIRED is consistently applied (Windows)
2.0.4 : 11-Apr-2020 : Refresh Function
- REFRSH function to create/clear directory with optional content copy
- Support execution of entry script from CDAF root
- Hyper-V "Default Switch" utilisation in sample solution
- Warn on standard error when last exit code is zero (Windows)
- Correction to Ubuntu distribution detection in (Linux)
- Support for GPG2 (CentOS) in (Linux)
- REMOVE and MAKDIR as functions in to align with Windows (Linux)
2.0.3 : 06-Apr-2020 : containerBuild Optional Arguments
- Allow additional build arguments to be supplied to containerBuild
- Include CDAF in capabilities listing if in context
- Fix Hidden solution directory not being detected (Linux)
- Failure to detect all CM & PV driver files (Linux)
- Apply more robust measures to ensure apt has released locks (Linux)
- Change MAKDIR and REPLAC into functions (Linux)
- Extend MySQL install to cater for remote connections (Linux)
- Mask secrets when persisting environment variables (Linux)
- Fix base.ps1 Incorrect handling of reboot status (3010) (Windows)
- Add support for inbuilt system account used for Azure DevOps agent (Windows)
- Fix Install-PackageProvider requires TLS1.1 or above (Windows)
- Add support for testing for command existence in execute engine (Windows)
- Extend legacy searches in MS Tools utility (Windows)
2.0.2 : 26-Jan-2020 : Automation root determination
- Flexible (absolute) AUTOMATIONROOT paths
- Apply error trap in log and docker watch (Linux feature equivalence with windows 2.0.1)
- Conditional Docker Start-up (Linux feature equivalence with windows 2.0.1 CDAF_DOCKER_REQUIRED)
- Capabilities update, improve distribution detection in containers (Linux)
- Remove retry for Choco to avoid false possitive (Windows)
- Explicit PowerShell module loading (Windows)
- TLS 1.2 for Chocolatey and deprecation of legacy Chocolatey script (Windows)
- MSA support for IIS Pools (Windows)
- Optional Non-Admin user provisioning for Docker (Windows)
- Mule default changed from 3.8.3 to 3.9.3 (Windows)
- Additional DC Provisioning corrections (Windows)
- Automatic fulfillment of parent requirements for Forest creation (Windows)
- Local User support for removeUser provisioner (Windows)
- SQL Permission list provisioning support (Windows)
- New MSTOOL determination function in execution engine(Windows)
2.0.1 : 01-Dec-2019 : CDAF Emulation Delivery
- Change emulation variable environmentDelivery to CDAF_DELIVERY
- Do not purge working directory in package process
- Add or Replace HOSTS entries with addHOSTS
- Conditional Docker Start-up (Windows)
- Provide user controlled restart of 3010 exit code in base.ps1 (Windows)
- Support for IIS administrator credentials in installIIS.ps1 (Windows)
- Include named package install via PiP in installPython.ps1 (Windows)
- .NET 4.7.1, 4.7.2 and 4.8 support in capabilites.ps1 (Windows)
- Error trap in Docker and Log watchers (Windows)
- Include REVISION in manifest (Linux)
- Correct local working directory usage when passed (Linux)
- Support re-run for (Linux)
- Deprecate Ubuntu 14.04 support in (Linux)
2.0.0 : 24-Aug-2019 : Symmetrical Encryption
- Support for common encrypted file directory
- Symmetric file encryption and detokenisation support
- Update GitLab-Runner provisioner from gitlab-ci-multi-runner
- Update Maven provisioner default version from 3.5.0 to 3.6.1 (Linux)
1.9.4 : 04-Jul-2019 : Runner Version
- GitLab runner provisioning support for explicit version
- Correct runas exception logging (Windows)
- Support property values containing # (Windows)
- MSTools support for multiple NuGet install locations (Windows)
1.9.3 : 27-Jun-2019 : Pivoted Properties Table
- Add support for pivoted properties, environment columns with properties as rows
- Correct python install for Ubuntu 16.04+ (Linux)
- Correct logging of solution build exception trap (Windows)
- Restore CD emulation revision to "master", not "dev" (Windows)
- Set IIS default root as default target for ACL (Windows)
- Improve transform performance (Windows)
1.9.2 : 20-Jun-2019 : Enhanced Log Watching
- Log watcher to report wait time when timeout occurs
- Update the default executable URL for Database.exe in GetExecutable.ps1 (Windows)
- Clear LASTEXITCODE in get media provisioner (Windows)
- Agent verification for Web Deploy provisioner (Windows)
1.9.1 : 04-Jun-2019 : Azure DevOps agent upgrade
- Update Azure DevOps agent to 2.150.3
- Set default emulation to use 'dev' branch
- Pass OPT_ARG to override script deploy tasks (Linux)
- Fix NodeJS provisioner (Linux)
- Fix PiP 3 listing in Python provisioner (Linux)
- Correct log watch listing information (Linux)
1.9.0 : 28-Apr-2019 : Deprecate Oracle Java
- Deprecate Oracle Java provisioner
- Remove Vagrantfile and Readme from CDAF package
- Set default solution level PROJECT value (ROOT) (Windows)
- Revise BuildMaster Pipeline Instructions (Windows)
- CDAF Provisioning Executor argument correction (ACTION, not OPT_ARG) (Windows)
- Update Apache Tomcat default from 8.5.32 to 8.5.40 (Windows)
- Restore PROJECT setting in build process (Windows)
1.8.15 : 13-Apr-2019 : In-memory Project Breakfix (Linux)
- In-memory multiple project loading fix (Linux only)
1.8.14 : 12-Apr-2019 : In-memory Processing
- In Memory load of project and property processing
- Set Oracle Java download TLS minimum version (Windows)
- Force alphabetical sorting of environment targets (Linux)
- Read all properties even if last line does not contain LF (Linux)
1.8.13 : 01-Apr-2019 : Update SoapUI Download URL
- Update dotnet provisioning default from 2.1 to 2.2
- Correct emulation support for conditional named automation directory (Windows)
- IIS Binding Test before attempting to create (Windows)
1.8.12 : 25-Mar-2019 : Update SoapUI Download URL
- Change default SoapUI version from 5.2.1 to 5.5.0
- Apply retry logic for base (Chocolatey) provisioning (Windows)
- Correct IIS Certificate Binding (Windows)
- Support Azure DevOps/TFS Pool names containing spaces (Windows)
- Check for DISM log file when installing IIS (Windows)
- nextFreePort provisioning utility, supporting TCP and UDP (Windows)
- Explicit support for named instance in SQL Server provisioning (Windows)
- Introduce ignoreWarning support for execution engine (Windows)
1.8.11 : 25-Feb-2019 : Multi-file Configuration Management
- Extend Configuration Management to support multiple definition files
- Apply retry logic to base (Choco) provisioning (Windows)
- Include required features when provisioning ASP.NET (Windows)
- Include user and working directory in capabilities listing (Windows)
- Add support for UDP when opening firewall port (Windows)
1.8.10 : 11-Feb-2019 : Flexibility
- Unary operator correction (affected logging only) (Linux)
- Support for passing native Chocolatey parameters (Windows)
- Make openFirewallPort container safe, do not attempt changes if firewall not enabled (Windows)
- Support HTTP_PROXY in upgrade script (Windows)
- Container build fall-back support (docker-for-windows) (Windows)
- New setInternetProxy provisioner (Windows)
- Create ACL root directory if missing (Windows)
- Chocolatey additional argument support in base.ps1 (Windows)
- Support optional arguments for Docker container and image build (Windows)
1.8.9 : 17-Jan-2019 : Oracle Java 8 update 201
- Java 8 update from 192 to 291
- Pass ACTION from entry.bat to buildPackage.bat (Windows)
- Change URL to URI in installRunner.ps1 for Windows Defender false positive (Windows)
- Deprecate curl.ps1 in favour of "base.ps1 curl" for Windows Defender false positive (Windows)
1.8.8 : 08-Jan-2019 : False Possitive in Windows Defender
- Arbitrary change to installDotNetCore for Windows Defender false positive (Windows)
- Correct diagnostic logging when artefact copy fails (Linux)
1.8.7 : 07-Jan-2019 : False Possitive in Windows Defender
- False Possitive for Trojan in installRunner (Windows)
1.8.6 : 03-Jan-2019 : buildImage Targetless CD
- Targetless CD branch support via entry script
- Make firewall, tomcat and soapui provisioning docker safe (Linux)
- PostGreSQL provisioning correction for Yum cache check exit codes (Linux)
1.8.5 : 18-Dec-2018 : buildImage Targetless CD
- Image Build utility for targetless CD using centralised image definition
- Provide fault tolerance for tar creating timing (Linux)
- Apply proxy support for package manager, Java and Maven (Linux)
- Proxy support for Java, Maven and SoapUI (Windows)
- Remove curl.exe dependency from Java download (Windows)
1.8.4 : 11-Dec-2018 : Targetless CD
- container image centralised definition
- Capture REVISION in manifest
- Support for checksum ignore in Chocolatey (Windows)
- Adjust URL creation to avoid false positive in MS Defender (Windows)
- Enrich MS Build and Test lookup (Windows)
- New IIS install for Windows 10 and Server 2016 (Windows)
1.8.3 : 14-Nov-2018 : Multi-branch Container Build
- Multi-branch Container Build,, defaulting to previous container_build tag if not passed
- Proxy support for getExecutable (Windows)
- Add proxy and self-signed certificate support for GetMedia (Windows)
- Add support for named provider and version for InstallDocker (Windows)
- Ensure InstallEXE remains in current windows (Windows)
- Docker Build using system level http_proxy (Windows)
- Trap missing log file in logWatch (Windows)
1.8.2 : 12-Nov-2018 : Oracle Java 8 update 192
- Java 8 update from 191 to 192
- Load Environment Variable after persisting (Windows)
- Minor logging corrections and improvement for dockerBuild (Windows)
1.8.1 : 08-Nov-2018 : Evaluation Execution Logging
- Evaluate variables in logging of execute engine
- Apply default artifact copy mode (-Recurse) (Windows)
- Proxy support for base (Choco) application install (Windows)
- Proxy support for dotnet core install (Windows)
1.8.0 : 27-Oct-2018 : Windows Base for curl
- Remove curl provisioner (Windows)
- Pass OPT_ARG to delivery tasks (Windows)
1.7.9 : 17-Oct-2018 : TFS/Azure DevOps Docker Agent
- Oracle Java 8 update from 181 to 191
- TFS/VSTS Agent install for Docker (Windows)
- Detect NodeJS and NPM capabilities (Windows)
- In-memory task processing (Linux)
1.7.8 : 30-Sep-2018 : Centralised Configuration
- Properties generation from single configuration management file
- Apply Staging file support (primarily for BlueMix and Azure DevOps)
1.7.7 : 9-Sep-2018 : Agent and Runner Maintenance
- Correct TFS/VSTS Agent Registration
- Support SVN workspaces for upgrades
- Correct PiP 2 execution (Windows)
- Add Ruby and Puppet to capability tests (Linux)
1.7.6 : 23-Aug-2018 : Watcher
- Change Docker and File Log Watch to in-memory
- Add Docker and File Log Watcher (Windows)
1.7.5 : 19-Aug-2018 : Run As and Upgrade
- New Runas utility
- CDAF Upgrade script
- Active Directory Named Host Delegation for double-hop authentication (Windows)
1.7.4 : 16-Aug-2018 : August Refresh
- Provide scaleable Vagrant template
- Upgrade VSTS/TFS Agent 2.136.1
- dotnet core update to 2.1
- Oracle Java update to 8u181
- Update Maven to 3.5.3
- Apache Tomcat update to 8.5.32
- System Level Outbound Proxy Support (Windows)
- Proxy support for Docker install (Windows)
- Support for Python 2 install, 3 remains default (Windows)
- Include REVISION when calling (Linux)
- Do not set defaults for addHOSTS, instead fail (Linux)
- RHEL Support for Python, Ansible, Docker and NodeJS (Linux)
- environment variable load post install for Ant and Maven (Linux)
- Change PostGreSQL default auth to MD5 (Linux)
- Add UDP support for firewall configuration, default is TCP (Linux)
- Add support for global deploy properties, (Linux)
1.7.3 : 18-Apr-2018 : Deploy Flexibility
- Processing of multiple tasks in override
- Support for custom processSequence in delivery process
- Include REVISION and ACTION in container build
- Provide generic custom script folder (local and remote)
- Default Oracle Java install version 8 update 171
1.7.2 : 27-Mar-2018 : Media Fetch
- Update curl from 7.50.3 to 7.53.1 (Windows)
- Update GetMedia to use TLS 1.1 or TLS 1.2 only for GitHub (Windows)
- Provide media fetch for default version (3.5.0) of Maven (Windows)
- Support for idempotent GitLab Runner Install (Windows)
- Include media fetch for default SoapUI version (5.2.1) (Windows)
- Correct Docker error handling logic and ensure Docker service is running (Windows)
- Ignore properties containing a period ('.') in the name (Windows)
- Standardise default media cache (Linux)
- Provide media cache support for MuleESB install (Linux)
1.7.1 : 11-Mar-2018 : Apache Ant
- Apache Ant Provisioning default 1.9.10
- Standardise Windows Service parameter logging (Windows)
1.7.0 : 6-Mar-2018 : Standardised Entry Point
- Standardised Entry point for Container Build
- Multiple Task execution
- CD Emulation Build Number Counter in user profile
- Add ELEVAT execute engine function to run as NT SYSTEM (Windows)
- Support for shared custom script directory (Windows)
- Apply consistent exception trapping at point-of-origin (Windows)
- Certificate Key lookup in both user and machine level (Windows)
- Fallback support for inaccessible file system (Windows)
- Update TLS versions for installing Docker (Windows)
- dotnet core provisioner (Windows)
- Extend Windows Service install to support service account (Windows)
- Fix Incorrect user and group applied when defaults not used for addUser (Linux)
1.6.6 : 24-Jan-2018 : Java 8 default set to update 161
- Java download alignment between Windows and Linux
- MSI/MSU exception handling improvements (Windows)
1.6.5 : 21-Jan-2017 : Selective Emulation Phases
- Support for Build or Package only in emulation
- Install Chocolatey if missing when provisioning using base.ps1 (Windows)
- Support replacement strings with spaces in execute engine to align with windows (Linux)
1.6.4 : 10-Jan-2017 : GitLab Runner
- Unattended GitLab Runner installation and registration
- Initialise LASTEXITCODE in batch entry points (Windows)
- Support service login provisioning based on NTLM formatted user name (Windows)
1.6.3 : 27-Dec-2017 : VSTS Agent
- VSTS Unattended agent install
- Improve exception handling for REPLAC in Execute Engine (Windows)
1.6.2 : 23-Dec-2017 : Execute Retry
- Support for retry () in execute engine
- Automatic detection of container build in CD emulation
- Certificate Creation Provisioner
- Correct Docker Image clean logic to test for integers
- Force clean of images to support multiple tags
- Improve Package Logging (Windows)
- .NET developer environments loading (Windows)
- Artefact replace lock contention (Windows)
- Reload PATH after installing Chocolatey (Windows)
- Provisioner for trusting PowerShell Gallery (Windows)
1.6.1 : 11-Nov-2017 : Container Build
- Provision Docker Image and Execute Container Build
- Correct image clean calculation based on integer (Windows)
- Deprecate SQL.ps1 provisioner [breaking change] (Windows)
- Package files using full path (Windows)
- Use parameters instead of arguments in delivery to support working directory without optional argument (Windows)
- Include Python install to align with Linux (Windows)
- Disable regex when replacing strings in files [breaking change] (Windows)
- Evaluate properties that contain variable names (Windows)
- Provisioning support for root without sudo (Linux)
1.5.8 : 16-Sep-2017 : Badge
- Derive workstation properties from domain join (Windows)
- Apache Tomcat to 8.5.20 with MD5 check (Windows)
- Use Docker "Insider" provider to support unattended install (Windows)
- Java update 144 (Windows)
- SQL Server install using Managed Service Account (Windows)
- MAKDIR, DCMPRS and DETOKN changed from keywords to functions (Windows)
- Standardise opinionated configuration determination (Linux)
- PostGreSQL support for Docker (Linux)
1.5.7 : 23-Aug-2017 : Selective Emulation
- Emulation support for buildonly and deliveryonly (Linux and Windows)
- Support alternative automation root directory (Linux)
- False possitive when local or remote task file not found (Linux)
- Support base provisioning in Docker (Linux)
- Java Tools upgrade defaults (Linux)
- VSTS Nuget Package credential manager (Windows)
- Add support CDAF certificate at machine level (Windows)
- Service Account (password not expiring) support (Windows)
- Service Account Login Allowed (Windows)
- Windows Service create, delete and start support (Windows)
1.5.6 : 24-Jul-2017 : Desktop Delivery Environment
- Support for override script to calculate delivery environment (Linux and Windows)
- New provisioner for dotnetcore (Linux)
- New provisioner for installing GitLab Runner (Windows)
- Add trap for pending restart when provisioning DISM (Windows)
- Support upgrading .NET runtime to SDK (Windows)
- Support extraction of VSTS Agent without installing (Windows)
- Include zip package file name in listing (Windows)
- Override Script support for setting Delivery Environment in CD Emulation (Windows)
- Support for creating local user account for domain joined host (Windows)
- Support Transform of properties where value contains = character (Windows)
1.5.5 : 2-Jul-2017 : Incrimental Counter
- cdEmulate build number change from timestamp to incrimental counter (Linux and Windows)
- cdEmulate returning false positive (Windows)
- .NET 4.7 Provisioning and listing support (Windows)
- Consistent DISM logging (Windows)
- Trap exit codes for EXE installation provisioner (Windows)
- Visual Studio 2017 offline installer provisioning (Windows)
- Execute Engine trap missing task file (Windows)
- Support NuGet arbitrary package download (Windows)
1.5.4 : 14-May-2017 : Docker Image Management
- Docker "Version" Label for Image Management (Linux and Windows)
- Incorrect argument processing for computer delegation provisioning (Windows)
- False positive on CDAF emulation wrapper when executing as named user (Windows)
- Provisioning false positives when using start-process (Windows)
- SQL Server Service Account password being logged in clear text (Windows)
- Execute Engine returning false positives (Windows)
- Reduce Provisioning Retry count (Windows)
- Add provisioning for IIS Web Sites and Bindings (Windows)
- VSTS Unattended agent install (Windows)
- Domain Join retry logic (Windows)
- Add Provisioning support for SQL Server authentication mode (Windows)
1.5.3 : 14-Apr-2017 : SQL LocalDB
- Windows Updates (Server 2016 and above) outside executeExpression (Windows)
- CDAF Provisioning Wrapper returns false positive (Windows)
- SQL Add User not processing type (Windows)
- Standalone DISM provisioner (Windows)
- Portable Provisioning Script Builder (Windows)
- .NET SDK provisioning support (Windows)
- Support MD5 check for getMedia (Windows)
- Initialise exitCode for IIS provisioning (Windows)
- MSU runner (Windows)
- MountImage support existing local ISO (Windows)
- Support for LocalDB instance creation (Windows)
- Extend SQL provisioning for Logins/Roles (Windows)
- Extend webdeploy to support current release 3.6 (Windows)
- Include Docker in Capabilities listing (Windows)
- Active Directory provisioning not trapping failure (Windows)
- When properties not found, do not echo error (Linux)
1.5.2 : 19-Mar-2017 : SQL Server
- Add sqlRoles provisioner (Windows)
- Apply Windows Update (Server 2016 and above) (Windows)
- Java and Tomcat default version update (8u121 8.5.11) (Linux)
- Silent install of GitLab runner (Linux)
- Add Cached Media support for Apache Ant install (Linux)
- Provide fallback to file share if imageMount fails on HTTP (Windows)
- sqlAddUser not loading instance (Windows)
- sqlPermit does not set permissions (Windows)
- IIS provisioning failing on exit code 3010 (Windows)
- SQL Server install returning false positive (Windows)
- Web Deploy not setting path correctly (Windows)
- Add Exception trap for Microsoft.SqlServer.Smo (Windows)
1.5.1 : 06-Mar-2017 : DISM Fall-back support
- Rancher Provisioning support (Linux)
- Typo on Incrimental Database (Windows)
- DISM provisioning not falling back to WSUS/Internet (Windows)
- Don't delete requirements.txt (Windows)
- Correct whitespace in sample Jenkinsfile (Windows)
- Update Vagrant image to Windows Server 2016 (Windows)
- Media Mount download from HTTP support (Windows)
- Load Visual Studio command line environment variables (Windows)
1.5.0 : 22-Feb-2017 : Resilience
- [Breaking Change] SQL Server user creation, support local machine user (Windows)
- Update VSTS instructions for solution in repo root (Windows)
- Check for last exit code (Windows)
- Remove 7za dependancy from storeArtefacts (Windows)
- Support off-domain user / group management (Windows)
- Provide robust support for .NET 3.5 install (Windows)
- CI/CD agent support (Windows)
- Windows Docker install (windows image on windows host)
- Robust AD Forest provisioning within Vagrant / VritualBox (Windows)
- New User retry failure trap (Windows)
- Provide stand alone WinRM connectivity test helper script (Windows)
- Update VSTS instructions for solution in repo root (Linux)
- Package clean correction for Dockerfile and requirements.txt (Linux)
- Support passing of optional arguments to docker run (Linux)
1.4.6 : 04-Feb-2017 : Rancher
- Add support for cattle registration to Rancher (Linux)
- Add support for install of GitLab runner (Linux)
- Check that APT-GET is available when installing Python in Ubuntu (Linux)
- SoupUI Provisioning for Windows (Windows)
- Additional Diagnostics for decryption and connection (Windows)
1.4.5 : 18-Jan-2017 : Provisioning Regression
- Correct string tests in capabilities (Linux)
- InstallEXE fails when no optional argument passed (Windows)
- Add trap to capture Choco standard error (Windows)
- Correct run-as CDAF provisioning (Windows)
- .NET provisioning failing silently (Windows)
- IIS provisioning failing silently (Windows)
- Active Directory provisioning failing silently (Windows)
- Supplied media not used for Visual Studio versions greater than 2010 (Windows)
- Remove deprecated -f flag for docker tagging (Linux)
- Support Docker prior and after 1.12.0 (Linux)
- Ubuntu intsall of PostGreSQL terminate daily checks if running (Linux)
- Apply Mule 3.8.3 (Windows)
- Change default media cache to C:\.provision (Windows)
- Extend IIS Application provisioning to support named application pool and user (Windows)
- Add exception trap for directory creation (Windows)
- When new name not supplied for domain add, set and log hostname explicitly (Windows)
- Perform explicit load of ActiveDirectory when provisioning new user (Windows)
- Extend capabilities to include domain or workgroup name (Windows)
- Support executable replacement if found in cache (Windows)
- Upgrade MuleESB install defaults (Windows)
- Attempt to download Apache Ant binary from archive if not found in cache (Linux)
- Do not use PIP for System Wide Ansible install on CentOS (Linux)
- Silent download of Python media (Linux)
1.4.4 : 24-Dec-2016 : NodeJS
- Add support for NodeJS process management (Linux)
- Provide alternative media source for SoapUI (Linux)
- Check and stop daily update when provisioning from apt-get (Ubuntu)
- Correct Java compiler and Maven version listings (Windows)
- Capabilities triggering error when executed as task (Windows)
1.4.3 : 11-Dec-2016 : Jenkins 2
- Suppress deprecation warnings in Ansible playbook capabilities listing (Linux)
- Utilise relative path for provisioning media (Linux)
- Add "hop" support for Vagrant hosts (Linux)
- Add Ansible Installation for system wide or user (Python virtualenv) (Linux)
- Apply Retry logic for provsioning downloads (Linux)
- Provide Jenkins 2 Pipeline template (Linux)
- Add Apache Reverse Proxy (Linux)
- Enable SSH host trust (Linux)
- Add support for PIP module install (Linux)
- Include hostname and IP addresses in capabilities listing (Linux)
- Extend Apache Ant install to support media cache (Linux)
- Test for media existing before attempting delete (Windows)
- Include hostname and IP addresses in capabilities listing (Windows)
1.4.2 : 06-Nov-2016 : Capabilities
- Fix and Complete firewall port opening (Linux)
- Setting Deployer trust, allow support for "hop" configuration (Linux)
- Do not Attempt python install if already installed (Linux)
- Set existing user as passwordless SUDOER access (Linux)
- Apply tags to all Jobs in GitLab template (Windows)
- Correct curl provisioning (Windows)
- Change Mulesoft ESB installer to user zip media (Windows)
1.4.1 : 30-Oct-2016 : GitLab configuration
- Apply BASH runner tag to GitLab template (Linux)
- Apply BATCH runner tag to GitLab template (Windows)
- Add Logical Volume expansion (Linux)
- Include TARGET_DEPLOY variable name in logging as coded documentation (Linux)
1.4.0 : 14-Oct-2016 : Convention over Configuration
- BREAKING CHANGE : Reorganise mandatory arguments to support Convention over Configuration
- Extend toolset support to include GitLab
- Wildcard artefacts not resolving (Windows)
- Set the webapps folder to be group writable (Linux)
- Docker : Registry provisioning with an initial image (Linux)
- Docker : Stopped containers not removed when rest (Linux)
1.3.3 : 06-Oct-2016 : More Provisioning
- Provide TFS/VSTS Environment Name guidance (no spaces)
- Test for source before attempting reload (Linux)
- Support for Docker Registry (Linux)
- Add support for S/FTP provisioning (Linux)
- Provide PostGreSQL provisioning for JDBC (Linux)
- Provisioning inbound port ignores name (Windows)
- Execution engine keyword test includes partial match (Windows)
- Template Vagrantfile for windows has incorrect Capabilities definition (Windows)
- Test for 7z when provisioning curl.exe (Windows)
1.3.2 : 24-Sep-2016 : Artefact Management
- Wildcard artefact retention fails when performing recursive copy (Windows)
- Add capabilities listing to Vagrantfile template (Linux)
1.3.1 : 14-Sep-2016 : Solution Build
- Support solution level build process
- Remove VSTS working folder from build process
- Artefact retention pattern for ThoughtWorks Go
1.3.0 : 06-Sep-2016 : Tomcat Provisioning
- Add Provisioning for Apache Tomcat
- Remove unused "automationroot" from CD process (see breaking change summary)
- Capabilities listing not processing Java or Ant (Linux)
- Execution fails on warning (Windows)
- Move Capabilities to Remote Tasks (Windows)
- .NET 4.6.1 provisioning support and WMF 5 legacy support (Windows)
1.2.6 : 16-Aug-2016 : Maven Installer
- Add Provisioning for Maven (add Oracle Java, default 8 update 101)
- Add base provisioner based on Chocolatey (Windows)
- Extend WMF support to include version 5 (Windows)
1.2.5 : 10-Aug-2016 : Maintenance
- Database Server Provisioning (Linux)
- Add Capabilities feature (Linux)
- executeExpression exception handler not listing exception details (Windows)
- Deployment instructions for Bamboo are wrong (Windows)
- New provisioning function to remove vagrant user (removeUser) (Windows)
1.2.4 : 4-Aug-2016 : Maintenance
- The buildProjects file is not loaded if Solution is moved to root (Windows)
- Oracle Java Install setting home to include /bin (Linux)
- Extend DockerRun process to support tag and environment separation (Docker/Linux)
- Provide Docker Image and Instance management by product and environment (Docker/Linux)
1.2.3 : 30-Jul-2016 : Landing Housekeeping
- Provide Housekeeping for landing directory of Remote Tasks
- Add Container (instance) remove by environment (Docker/Linux)
- Package file not created when only storeForRemote exists (Windows)
1.2.2 : 23-Jul-2016 : Provisioner Enhancements
- Tripple Hop Domain Provisioning (Windows)
- Docker binary provisioner with no-start support (Linux)
- Environment Variable (setenv) to be discrete script (Linux)
- Oracle Java Provisioning export environment varable after install (Linux)
1.2.1 : 19-Jul-2016 : Docker and Execute
- Add remote command or script execution (EXCREM) from execution engine
- Add getMedia provisioner (Linux)
- Support for LocalTasks package (gz) based on zipLocal property (Linux)
- BREAKING CHANGE Implement Docker Runtime Management using Environment Label (Linux)
- Remove Zip/Unzip provisioning from Linux Vagrant file (Linux)
- Add gzip package support for OS/X (Mac)
- CredSSP Provisioning Failure on mrwock 0.5.3 image (Windows)
- BREAKING CHANGE Remove Implicit Execute based on variables (Windows)
- Add DCMPRS task execution support (Windows)
1.1.0 : 11-Jul-2016 : CD Release Configuration
- BREAKING CHANGE : Replace Build Environment with Project name, ensuring SOLUTION is consistent
- Provide Generic exectuable installer (Linux)
- Provision SPN for double hop authentication (Linux)
- Replace REVISION with RELEASE in CD processes
- Update TFS XAML configuration instructions for single integration point
- Remove add user to group and extend addUser to support existing user (Windows)
- Provide Docker Image clean and Purge based on prefix (Linux)
- Resolve Variables passed within arguments (Linux)
- Include OPT_ARG in deliverProcess (Linux)
- Include Python Provisioner (Linux)
1.0.6 : 1-Jul-2016 : CD Release Configuration
- Correct Bamboo CI configuration instruction
- Replace REVISION with RELEASE in CD processes
- NuGet push failing with 403 (Windows)
- Add nuget.exe provisioner (Windows)
- DOS carriage return in shell scripts (Linux)
- Add Firewall management script (Linux)
- Add CNTLM installer and Extend Docker install from binary (Linux)
1.0.5 : 26-Jun-2016 : Configuration for Single Point of Integration
- Include delivery process in local tasks
- Add Cross Platform (Linux) support for TFS/VSTS
1.0.4 : 22-Jun-2016 : Provisioning and Package Refinement
- SVN hidden folders included in ZIP package (Linux)
- Include ReadMe in Package
- Provisioning failures not being trapped (Windows)
- Include NuGet push wrapper (Windows)
- Database Server Provisioning (SQL Server, Windows)
1.0.1 : 3-Jun-2016 : Vagrant Provisioning Simplification
- Single Vagrant box definition for BuildServer and target
1.0.0 : 2-Jun-2016 : General Availability with Vagrantfile
- solutionName not being used in windows emulation
- Loading of BUILD properties fails if there is a directory called build
- Test Media when creating new Active Directory forest
- Vagrant Provisioning for Desktop Testing
- Portable Decryption
- Eclipse Project file included in CDAF published bundle
- Scalable Deployment Process
- Support (optional) local package zip creation
- Add CMPRSS keyword to execution engine to create zip (win) or tarball (linux)
- Optional Argument Passing
- Support Build and Task Environment override
- Create Remote Artefact Package (zip) if properties folder or artefact list exist
0.9.5 : 20-Feb-2016 : Targets and Mac (nix) Encryt (win)
- Multiple Targets not working (Linux)
- Allow creation of Zip package by defining storeForRemote
- Add function DECRYP Task Execution Feature (extended to windows)
- Add function DETOKN Task Execution Feature (extended windows)
- Add function REPLAC in file function based on variable
- Add support for verbose recursive copy (VECOPY extended in windows)
- Helper feature for file copy via WinRM (windows)
- Add function MAKDIR to create directories
0.9.4 : 04-Dec-2015 : Task Execution Feature Extensions
- Linux -flat and -recurse processing for artefacts not working
- Missing script or task reports false positive
- Add EXITIF Task Execution Feature
- Add PROPLD Task Execution Feature
- Allow non standard port definition for ssh
0.9.3 : 18-Nov-2015 : CDAF Product Version logging
- Invoke Function fails on System.Management.Automation.CommandNotFoundException
- Include CDAF product version in entry point logging
0.9.2 : 15-Nov-2015 : Standardisation utilise Task Execution engine enhancements
- Move the artefact retention information to the end of the CI process
- Add support for CD taskOverride function
- Seed the manifest file with solution properties
- Logging of properties and helper scripts are not separated
- Provide logging for solution name in emulation
- Improve artefact configuration guide
- Linux - Dynamic Host target support
- Get Property returns commented properties
0.9.1 : 30-Oct-2015 : Standardisation utilise Task Execution engine enhancements
- Remote Tasks in 0.9.0 is not compatible with updated execute process
- Task Execution Templates
- Windows Package cannot clear hidden/read only files
- Local Tasks Properties not available in execution root
- Windows Provide Verbose Copy and Delete
- Linux Remaining PIPESTATUS not compatible with Elastic Bamboo agent
0.9.0 : 26-Oct-2015 : Breaking Release, affecting Remote Task Execution, view readme for details.
- Allow zip creation (remote packaging) to be optional
- Apply automation root detection to all components
- Add support for "invoke" in task driver
0.8.4 : 22-Oct-2015
- Add support for Elastic Bamboo images
- Allow a variable to be set in Windows, compatible to linux
0.8.3 : 20-Oct-2015
- Admin Command shortcut missing Target
- Alter CD Emulator build number to be symantic compliant
0.8.2 : 23-Aug-2015
- Add Support for post package tasks
0.8.1 : 8-May-2015
- Prepackage loadProperties function fails
0.8.0 : 7-May-2015
- Provide cdEmulate component execution flexibility
- Include deploy task override property in log
- Remove unused build.bat from CDAF
- CopyLand.ps1 throws an OutOfMemory exception for moderate-to-large package files
- Remove redistribution of 7zip executable (windows)
- Redeployment Not Renaming Existing Package
- LU-CDM fails when no properties files exist
- Remove 7za.exe path reference in storeArtifacts.ps1
0.7.4 : 23-Mar-2015
- Generate CDAF Release using Jenkins Pipeline
- Support URI for Remote PowerShell
0.7.3 : 13-Mar-2015
- Apply CD to TFS 2010
- Win Form Thick Client
- Blank line in StoreFor files causes package to fail
0.7.2 : 4-Mar-2015
- Optional PrePackage Process
0.7.1 : 4-Mar-2015
- Provide example task files utilising features of CDAF 0.7
0.7.0 : 3-Mar-2015
- Linux - Improve Manual Trigger
- Windows - Improve Manual Trigger
- CDAF branding
- Optional Decoupling of User Defined solution
0.6.6 : 27-Feb-2015
- Provided coded properties loader in execute function
0.6.5 : 26-Feb-2015
- Add optional TaskFile property support for Windows (WU-CDM)
- Add optional TaskFile property support for Linux (LU-CDM)
- Add 'development progress' argument to build scripts
- buildTag definition file - windows
- buildTag definition file - linux
- Error in log output of cdEmulate.bat
- Error when defaulting ENVIRONMENT variable in build.bat
- Move Zip file creation out of packageCopyArtefacts.ps1
0.6.4 : 25-Feb-2015
- Linux - Include artefact "flatting" on copy
0.6.3 : 23-Feb-2015
- Project being passed to build script instead of Solution
0.6.2 : 19-Feb-2015
- Apply argument driven Database script path
- Linear Deploy
- Add build.tsk support to Windows (WU-CDM)
- Add argument validation to windows entry (BAT)
0.5.7 : 19-Dec-2014
- Upgrade Selenium Server to 2.42.2
- Provide message for empty artefacts to check for line feed
- Add message to check for DOS carriage return when artefact processing fails
- Change Artefact packaging to support wildcard and path
- List Available Parameters for Remote Tasks template
- Allow support for on domain and off domain Remote Exection
- Add Encrypted Password support